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The FIU College of Law (“FIU Law”), together with CILPA convened a two-day symposium in Miami, Florida to discuss the current and future work of the International Law Commission (ILC). This academic symposium focused on two specific sub-themes. First, the completion of two main topics, upon second reading, by the ILC during its recently concluded 73rd (2022) session, namely, “peremptory norms of general international law (jus cogens)” and “protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts.” Second, the status of the ILC’s current work, in particular, the significant adoption upon first reading of a full set of draft articles, with commentaries, on the longest-running topics in the current work program of the Commission, namely, “immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction.” This discussion was followed by a private workshop on two of the three most recent topics added to the ILC work program in May 2022, namely, the “prevention and repression of piracy and armed robbery at sea” and “subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law.” The two special rapporteurs for those two topics presented their preliminary ideas on how the ILC could address those studies, including issues of scope and methodology. The workshop invited peer discussion of their plans for their first reports with the scholars, starting with the discussants, critiquing their plans and making suggestions for potential improvements.